- Roxanne What happened? I mean, how did you do it? 萝珊怎麽回事?我是说,你怎麽做到的?
- Roxanne:What happened? I mean, how did you do it? 怎麽回事?我是说,你怎麽做到的?
- You must on no condition tell him what happened. 你决不能把发生的事情告诉他。
- She only has herself to thank for what happened. 出了事只能怪她自己。
- He's impatient to know what happened. 他急于想知道发生了什么事。
- Tell me what happened in your own words. 用你自己的话把发生的事情告诉我。
- Can you trust his account of what happened? 你能相信他对发生的事情所做的报告吗?
- Sit yourself down and tell us what happened. 你坐下,告诉我们怎么回事。
- I've only had a piecemeal account of what happened. 我对发生的事情只有支离破碎的了解。
- No matter what happened, I will not say a word. 不管发生什么事我一句话也不说。
- I won't be comfortable until I know what happened. 我只有知道发生了什么事后,才会放下心来。
- Try to recall (to mind) exactly what happened. 把发生的事情尽可能仔细地回忆一下。
- No one knows for sure what happened to Bill. 没有人确切知道比尔出了什么事。
- I was annoyed, indeed furious, over what happened. 出了这件事我很不痛快,实际上是愤怒至极。
- He is ignorant of what happened. 他不知道发生了什么事。
- I have no remembrance of what happened afterwards. 之后发生的事我一点也不记得。
- I'm quite vague about what happened. 我对发生的事很不了解。
- I advise you to tell your father what happened and face the music. 我建议他把发生的事情告诉你父亲。并且勇敢地面对事实。
- You should take warning from (ie be warned by) what happened to me. 你应以我的事情引为鉴戒。
- Can you bring to your mind what happened on the fourth of July. 你能回想起7月4日发生什么事了吗?